Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Come Thrive with me!

Over the years, I've been the anti-healthy person....if it was a fruit or vegetable.....no thanks. So, I've relied on vitamin supplements all my life.  It's been a few years since I've taken any type of supplement, but was in the market for many reasons.....mostly my weight. Yes, I've had two babies...but the weight isn't from them, it's just from me.  So, I needed to make a change.

Exercise is key, I realize this. But by the time I get home at night, get dinner, bathe the kids, etc etc, I'm too tired to even think about exercising, and unfortunately, not being a morning person, my mornings are too hectic to fit in a workout.

So, I've felt stuck. A friend of mine kept posting on Facebook about this supplement that she's been using. And as much as I tried to ignore it, her posts kept catching my eye.....well finally I asked her about it and she sent me a sample of Thrive W --- a vitamin supplement plus more, specially formulated for women. Now, I had my doubts for sure....but.....I was quickly surprised!  I had energy. I wasn't eating everything in sight. I was able to focus on what I was doing at work and not start 100 different tasks.

Follow me on my new journey. I will be posting how I feel, what changes I notice, weight loss, etc on my 8-week Thrive Challenge. If you'd like to join me, visit my website: http://rhondad375.le-vel.com/IndustryShift or http://rhondad375.le-vel.com/

You can become a promoter and JOIN FOR FREE!  It costs nothing to become a brand promoter. You can earn your Thrive product for free by having two people place an autoship order.  Contact me for more info. This is a new opportunity, and I'd love to have you Thrive with me!

"The THRIVE Experience is an 8 week premium lifestyle plan, to help individuals experience and reach peak physical and mental levels. You're going to live, look, and feel Ultra Premium like never before!  Results from the THRIVE Experience are high impact, and can slightly differ for everyone – depending on which areas of your lifestyle need the most help – and depending on your 8 week goal. Whether your goal is to lose weight, get in the best shape of your life, or simply be the best you can be, we know the THRIVE 8 Week Experience will get you THRIVIN' in all areas of your life! Individuals on the Experience will enjoy premium support and benefits in the areas of:
  • > Weight Management > Cognitive Performance
  • > Digestive & Immune Support > Joint Support
  • > Lean Muscle Support > Pain Management
  • > Anti-Aging & Antioxidant Support
THRIVE by Le-Vel is something that's hard to explain, and challenging to describe... it's something that can only be experienced."

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