Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Where did we go wrong?

On my way to work yesterday morning, I was flipping through the radio stations and stopped on one with Christmas music....once the music ends, it's the normal morning radio show. I'm not really paying attention at first, but then it finally catches my attention. They were discussing the animated classic, "Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer". Yay! One of my all time favorites, I can remember my brother and I sitting in front of the TV watching the CBS snippet that led into their 'special programming' for the evening..so exciting!! There's Burl Ives as a the narrating snow man.....oh how I still love to hear him sing "Silver & Gold" and "Holly Jolly Christmas". There's Rudolph and his cute little nose and it's squelch as it lights up.....Oh Hermie...go be a dentist you little weirdo elf with the funky hair! Such fond memories......

And then I hear: Why was Rudolph still being aired when it was nothing but a show about bullying and sexism. HUH?? Yes...Rudolph was bullied by his father and Santa...Hermie was bullied by the head elf...and the poor Abominable snowman bullied by Yukon Cornelius! How can this horrid cartoon still be allowed on the air?? Rudolph's father is sexist as he tells his wife and Clarice that they can't go out to help find Rudolph. What kind of message are we sending our children!! Again, my head says, WHAT???

When did we become this society that tears apart an innocent Christmas cartoon? Why do we have to psycho-analyze every detail of a classic Christmas story? Where does this craziness stop? Am I the only one who thinks Rudolph is just a sweet Christmas story of how a Reindeer with a red nose becomes Santa's lead reindeer one foggy night? Does anyone else enjoy the songs and the stop-animation? Or are we all supposed to tell our children they can't watch this horrid cartoon from 1964 as it's sexist and full of bullying? I am just floored that people have become so anal.

For those of you that disagree, well...sorry, my kids love Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer,as do I..we own it on DVD and my oldest daughter watched it for MONTHS after we got it. It's a classic in our household, and will forever remain that. For those that want to over analyze it...maybe you should put down your copy of "Psychology for Dummies", go outside and play in the snow for a while and remember what it's like to be a kid again.

Merry Christmas! We'll have the carrots out on Christmas Eve just for you Rudolph! <3

Monday, December 2, 2013

Tis the season.....

Did you go out Black Friday or even on Thanksgiving night to shop the "oh so great" deals? I decided to stay away from it this year. I've done a lot of my shopping online so far. I also found a couple great options to get cash back on my online purchases. Ebates and Mr. Rebates! They have numorous stores listed that offer a percentage back to you on your purchases. You are sent a check or paid via Paypal on a quarterly basis. OR you can have your earnings donated to the charity of your choice. 

I check each one to see who has the better perk before shopping. Once you decide, click on the store through Ebates or Mr. Rebates to shop, as they have no way of tracking your purchases without going directly through their links.

I love finding extra "perks" to shopping. :)  Here are the links so you can join too!


Mr. Rebates

Happy Shopping! Stop back and share your deals!


Thursday, July 11, 2013

This is week 2 for me

This is technically my 2nd week of Thrive by Le-Vel. I started out with the daily capsules, but have added the shake as well. I'm not a shake person....they don't usually agree with my stomach. I have IBS, so certain things really set it off unfortunately.  However, I haven't had that problem with Thrive. Another thing about shakes that I don't usually like is the texture...there's nothing like lumps of nasty tasting powder in my drink...now I sound like Bill Cosby from his album "Wonderfulness" LOL --- but anyhow, that's just showing my age.
The Thrive Shake mix is good! I've made it a couple different ways, and plan to experiment more in the upcoming weeks. I've made chocolate shakes using Silk Dark Chocolate Almond milk, and today I made a Raspberry shake using skim milk, fresh raspberries, ice cubes, a Tbsp of vanilla pudding and Thrive. It was AWESOME!

Start your own 8 week Thrive challenge!  www.rhondad375.le-vel.com Jump in on the Industry Shift! www.rhondad375.industryshift.com It's FREE to join!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Come Thrive with me!

Over the years, I've been the anti-healthy person....if it was a fruit or vegetable.....no thanks. So, I've relied on vitamin supplements all my life.  It's been a few years since I've taken any type of supplement, but was in the market for many reasons.....mostly my weight. Yes, I've had two babies...but the weight isn't from them, it's just from me.  So, I needed to make a change.

Exercise is key, I realize this. But by the time I get home at night, get dinner, bathe the kids, etc etc, I'm too tired to even think about exercising, and unfortunately, not being a morning person, my mornings are too hectic to fit in a workout.

So, I've felt stuck. A friend of mine kept posting on Facebook about this supplement that she's been using. And as much as I tried to ignore it, her posts kept catching my eye.....well finally I asked her about it and she sent me a sample of Thrive W --- a vitamin supplement plus more, specially formulated for women. Now, I had my doubts for sure....but.....I was quickly surprised!  I had energy. I wasn't eating everything in sight. I was able to focus on what I was doing at work and not start 100 different tasks.

Follow me on my new journey. I will be posting how I feel, what changes I notice, weight loss, etc on my 8-week Thrive Challenge. If you'd like to join me, visit my website: http://rhondad375.le-vel.com/IndustryShift or http://rhondad375.le-vel.com/

You can become a promoter and JOIN FOR FREE!  It costs nothing to become a brand promoter. You can earn your Thrive product for free by having two people place an autoship order.  Contact me for more info. This is a new opportunity, and I'd love to have you Thrive with me!

"The THRIVE Experience is an 8 week premium lifestyle plan, to help individuals experience and reach peak physical and mental levels. You're going to live, look, and feel Ultra Premium like never before!  Results from the THRIVE Experience are high impact, and can slightly differ for everyone – depending on which areas of your lifestyle need the most help – and depending on your 8 week goal. Whether your goal is to lose weight, get in the best shape of your life, or simply be the best you can be, we know the THRIVE 8 Week Experience will get you THRIVIN' in all areas of your life! Individuals on the Experience will enjoy premium support and benefits in the areas of:
  • > Weight Management > Cognitive Performance
  • > Digestive & Immune Support > Joint Support
  • > Lean Muscle Support > Pain Management
  • > Anti-Aging & Antioxidant Support
THRIVE by Le-Vel is something that's hard to explain, and challenging to describe... it's something that can only be experienced."